Sunday, 17 February 2008

Booze: Money saving tip, save £1.50 guaranteed

Just a quick one but I couldn't resist passing on this new found bit of knowledge that guarantees you save a whole £1.50 every weekend (Well almost!)...

Friday/Saturday arrives and you're ready to go out.
Before you leave the house to hop in the taxi - stop and remove your coat. No matter how cold it is outside, you will soon warm up with a few
sherbets inside you.

You may be frozen... or even, worse case scenario catch a serious cold. You're friends may be laughing at you while your turning into a smurf; but stick with it.

You enter the club and whose laughing now... while your friends are cueing to put their coats in and part with £1.50 you can stand there smiling away safe in the knowledge you have your one and half quid tucked away in the pocket.
As all of your friends are in the
queue you might be a bit bored, so if your feeling frivolous you could even have a go on the bandit - you may even cash in on that £1.50!

Now for the trip home, an hour wait in the taxi
queue at 3am... and its -5 ... sh!t...

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