Saturday, 12 January 2008

Views: Unwanted kids mountain bike

Right what’s going on? For the last couple of weeks I have had a mystery phantom bike rider leaving his mountain bike outside my house.

Ok, lets get things into perspective… if it was a phantom riding this bike, he probably wouldn’t be that scary, as he would be around 3ft tall at most. You see the “mountain bike” is approx 2ft big, the breaks are knackered and the tires flat.

I have tried to get rid of the bloody thing, but like the proverbial boomerang the thing keeps coming back. I wouldn’t mind, but when it’s hammering down I have to keep getting out of my car to move the little piece of sh!t, as the phantoms favourite place to leave it is in front of my drive!

So, I’ll try a few more times to get rid… if that doesn’t work I’m placing an ad in the paper and on the local co-op notice board!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Smith

I've been in desperate ned of a really (and I mean crappy) kidies mountain for ages, do if you could stop moving it out of the way, I would be more than happy to pop round & alleviate you of this little 2 wheeled monster.

Just a quick question - have you considered taking it to your local tip?

Best Regards