OK, right from the outset lets get one thing clear, I like to go out. For me there is nothing quite like the atmosphere you get in towns and cities at night. Having a few drinks at home with friends has its time and place, enjoying a good meal with some mates is all good, but there is nothing quite like having a laugh in a few pubs followed by a bit of freestyle-esq moves on the dance floor.
So why when it comes to what should be one of the highlights of any social calendar is it so hard to, number one make any sort of arrangements and number two actually end up having a good night. I talk, quite obviously of New Years Eve.
The problem lies quite simply with the venue and making the arrangements with all your friends to ensure you all see in the New Year together.
If you have someone taking charge and having a house party, you’re in luck, as this clearly has to be the best option. If however, you try and venture into town or to a local you have a problem. Is the place you’ve been drinking in for years going to charge you for the pleasure? Once you’ve paid is there anyone else actually in there? Once you’re in, choice made and money parted with, you’re committed. You’ll obviously feel robbed if you’ve paid £10 for the pleasure of one drink in an empty pub! Then to top it all off you have to pay double for the taxi ride home… loving it!
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